MT Great Marine Tanker Is Drifted From International Waters to Bintan

MT Great Marine Tanker Is Drifted From International Waters to Bintan

(Photo: special for Batamnews)

Bintan - The MT Great Marine tanker with the Mongolian flag was carried out of control by sea current to Tanjung Berakit Water, Binta. This situation was considered dangerous because the tanker was on another ship crossing route.

Tanjunguban Class II KPLP (Marine and Coastal Care Union) immediately operated to anticipate any accident. Moreover, the ship was loaded with oil.

Head of Class II KPLP of Tanjunguban, Capt Handry Sulfian said that his party received a report of a drifted tanker carrying oil.

KPLP then sent the KN (Nation’s Ship) Kalimasadha P-115 ship to carry out SAR and evacuation activities.

It was said that the rescue was carried out as soon as possible considering the strong currents and waves that can cause an accident.

When KN Kalimasadha P-115 arrived at the location, its personnel immediately installed the towing rope to the tanker. The tanker was towed by two tugboats, namely TB Maiden Bravo and TB Maiden. The two tugboats also helped to bring the tanker to the dock.

"We do it quickly to secure shipping lanes so that accidents do not occur," he explained.

The MT Great Marine tanker carrying 9 crew members drifted from Out Port Limited (OPL) waters towards East Malaysia. Then, it led to the Water area near ships.

The ship with a capacity of 2,298 GT was washed away due to damage and engine trouble.

"All the crew members are in a safe condition. Now, the tanker is at the Tanjunguban Class II KPLP Pier," he said.

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