Corona Positive Immigrants at Bhadra Resort Bintan Continue to Increase and Is Now 57 People

Corona Positive Immigrants at Bhadra Resort Bintan Continue to Increase and Is Now 57 People


Bintan, Batamnews - The Bintan Health Office (Dinkes) Bintan stated that the immigrant cluster of Bhadra Resort continues to increase every day. It was recorded that in 3 days there were 57 people.

The head of the Bintan Health Office, Dr. Gama AF Isnaeni, said that for 3 days, from May 29-31, 2021, there was an addition of 103 people who were positive for Covid-19. Of the total, 57 people are asylum seekers or from the Bhadra Resort Immigrant Cluster.

"There are additional positive Covid-19 patients in Bintan from immigrants who inhabit the Bhadra Resort. In 3 days, 57 people added," said Gama, Monday (31/5/2021).

These immigrants are taken care of by the International Organization for Migration (IOM). In the case of Covid-19, it was the immigrant organizer who first caught it. Namely, on May 20, the task force carried out an investigation.

Then five days later, on May 25, 14 people were positive for Covid-19, and on May 26, 2 more people were positive for Covid-19.

Furthermore, on May 29, 40 people tested positive for Covid-19. A day later, namely May 30, there was a decrease, only 1 person was positive, but today it rose again as many as 16 people tested positive.

"So the total number of the Bhadra Resort Immigrant Cluster has reached 98 people, including IOM administrators," he said.

The tracing of immigrants at Bhadra Resort is still ongoing. Because there are hundreds of immigrants living in the shelter on Jalan Wisata Bahari, Km 25, Toapaya District. They all come from Somalia, Sudan, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

"Immigrants who are positive for Covid-19 undergo independent isolation at the Bhadra Resort. The immigrant management or IOM is asked to carry out strict supervision so that these immigrants do not leave the shelter," he said.

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