Indonesian Business Association Welcomes Tomy Winata's investment in Batam's Rempang Island

Indonesian Business Association Welcomes Tomy Winata

Map of Rempang Galang in Batam

Batam, Kepri - Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo) Batam also welcomed the investment made by PT Makmur Elok Graha (MEG), owned by entrepreneur Tomy Winata, in Rempang Island, Batam City, Riau Islands Province (Kepri). The investment is expected to have significant economic impact on the well-being of the people of Batam.

"Moreover, if we look at the investment that will be poured by PT MEG, it is relatively large," said Apindo Batam Chairman Rafki Rasyid on Thursday (14/4/2023).

He also considered the location that will be developed by PT MEG in the Rempang area to be relatively underdeveloped compared to Batam Island. Thus, it is hoped that there will be an even development in Batam City.

"Rempang to Galang and surrounding islands will develop more quickly," he said.

In addition, he believed that the investment made by PT MEG will attract other investors who will benefit from the spillover of the company's investment.

The investment value of PT MEG is estimated to reach trillions of rupiah in the next 20 years, or around 2040. PT MEG will manage Rempang and Galang for the next 80 years, creating more than 300,000 jobs.

Furthermore, the investment is expected to absorb 300,000 workers, which is a significant number.

"This number is almost half the number of the working population in Batam. This absorption is far beyond the number of unemployed people in Batam, which was around 81,000 people in 2022," he said.

He expressed optimism that the new investment in the Rempang area will be able to reduce unemployment rates in Batam and Kepri.

"Therefore, all parties should support this investment to be realized immediately. Because the economic benefits and multiplier effects are so great," he said.

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