How Karimun Convert A School Into A Quarantine Location

How Karimun Convert A School Into A Quarantine Location

SMP Negeri 2 Karimun.

Karimun - The Karimun District Government has prepared a centralized quarantine location for People being monitored (ODP) related cases of the Corona or Covid-19 virus.

Karimun Public Middle School 2 in Bati, Pamak, Tebing, has been prepared for quarantine for ODP Covid 19 on a primary basis.

The school is planned to be used to accommodate ODP Covid-19 specifically for residents of Tebing, Karimun, and Buru Districts.

Every classroom is now made like a ward. Filled with mattresses that are placed on the floor and arranged apart, and in one room there are about 6 clean mattresses ready to be occupied.

Karimun Regent Aunur Rafiq looked serious in conducting a joint review with the Head of the Rachmadi Health Office and the Karimun regency OPD.

Every room that will be used as a place for quarantine ODP is made as comfortable as possible. So, when the people there feel there are no shortcomings and complaints.

In fact, if you see that there is still less or not enough. Rafiq immediately asked to complete it, so that there would be no disappointment in the future for the ODP that was being quarantined.

Spokesman of the Covid-19 Task Force in Karimun Regency, Rachmadi said, a maximum of 60 residents will undergo a quarantine period at Tebing 2 Middle School a maximum of 14 days.

Tens of Covid-19 ODPs occupy 10 SMPN 2 Tebing rooms, each room is filled with 6 ODP.

Rachmadi said that the ODP that filled Tebing 2NB SMPN was specifically for primary ODP.


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